Reliable All-in-One Commercial Pool Treatment
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Our innovative feed systems are energy efficient and easy to maintain and service with a flexible design that allows for easy integration for small to large commercial pools. Featuring dry, easy and safer-handling formulations with longer shelf life compared to liquid bleach, each feed system is designed to minimize maintenance, provide reliably consistent chlorine delivery, and much more.
Featuring reliable pH balancing and a modular design feeder. This Pulsar® feed system offers easy handling and transport combined with safety as its fed with Pulsar® Plus Briquettes which are less hazardous that highly concentrated liquid form sanitization – while offering the added benefit of eliminating the need for double containment.
Our lineup of NSF-Certified pool maintenance products is fully compatible with Pulsar® feed systems and feature numerous benefits ranging from controlling phosphate levels and minimizing algae blooms to improving water clarity and reducing turbidity as well as improving UV system efficacy and preventing water line build-up.
Pulsar feeder housing systems are easy to install, designed with forklift cutaways and feature skid pump mounting. With configurations to meet site requirements, installations can include, pump, controller, dual feeder or feeder plus chemical storage – all with spill containment a critically important component of our design.
GuardTec brings clarity to pool water and to every decision in the operation and management of commercial pools. Powered by cloud-connected software that analyzes and reports your pool data, GuardTec is an all-in-one pool management solution built with precision ORP and pH sensors and safety features.
This innovative photometer does all your pool and spa water testing for you wherever you need it. With a rugged portable design and BlueTooth connectivity, it’s Cloud-ready or can be used offline to gather reliable results within 30-60 seconds while eliminating user error.
Whether you’re a dealer that’s in a relationship with Pulsar or you’re seeking to competitively differentiate your organization in the regions and markets you serve – being a part of the Pulsar Dealer Network offers many benefits. Our core values of excellence, reliability and innovation are built on knowledge-sharing and industry thought leadership, all backed by exceptional and dedicated customer service, research and technical support teams. Pulsar dealers are leaders in providing exceptional commercial pool experiences across North America and the Caribbean.
As a member of the Pool & Hot Tub Alliance (PHTA), we proudly offer Certified Pool Operator (CPO) trainingand certification to commercial pool dealers and service providers in North America and the Caribbean. Fully accredited by PHTA, this comprehensive training and certification program provides in-depth information vital to professionals of every level, and once completed, competitively positions and differentiates our dealer network to deliver excellent service and results to their customers.
Fully NSF Approved
Need help designing your customized system?
Call 800-4-PULSAR today to get help designing your water treatment system. Our knowledgeable sales and support staff can answer all your questions.